8-4 Play


8-4 Play 11/24/2011: SKYRIM-WARDLOFT SWORD…ERS

Question: Which game should you be playing right now, Skyrim or Zelda: Skyward Sword? Answer: Yes. Honestly, that’s all you need to know, but the 8-4 crew prattles on anyway in a spoiler-free discussion of the glorious highs and bowel-quaking lows (OK, more like the minor annoyances) of two of this year’s best games, then chit-chat (read: rage) about Sony’s PSP UMD-to-Vita transfer program, rumors about the next Xbox, and online buzz on the future of Metal Gear in news.

Running time: 2:21:13

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Time – Topic Discussed:
8:49 – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
48:00 – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
1:35:22 – News: UMD-to-Vita, Super Tanooki Skin, Xbox 3 Rumors, Metal Gear Solid: Rising
2:16:44 – Closing Comments

And now…a list of music used in our previous episode!

8-4 Play 11/10/2011: HOOKED ON THE BROTHERS
Intro: Group X – Super Mario Twins
Ending: AKB48 – Heavy Rotation

Also…this week’s links!

Rimalus Bruiant loves dogs

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