8-4 Play


8-4 Play 7/26/2024: SUMMER SUMMIT

A bit of BitSummit, more Erdtree gab, Power Pros baseball banter, Nintendo World Championships chat, and (most importantly!) Garigari-kun and other tips on how to beat the Tokyo summer heat.

Running Time: 01:17:27

Time — Topic Discussed

00:46 — Nicknames
17:10 — Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
34:10 — Powerful Pro Baseball 2024-2025
38:12 — News: EVO, Emio revealed, Halo TV show cancelled, and more!
53:07 — Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (and more news!)

And now, here’s the music we used in this episode!

Intro: World Championships – Masaru Tajima (Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition)

Ending: Main Select – Shintaro Yoshida (eBaseball Powerful Pro Baseball 2022)

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