

Shadows of the Damned Review Roundup

Here’s what reviewers are saying about our work on Grasshopper Manufacture’s Shadows of the Damned: “This is Resident Evil 4 rewritten by a 12-year-old obsessed with d— jokes. As it turns out, that’s a good thing… Shadows of the Damned is unapologetically adolescent, but instead of trying to be cutely ironic and wink at players,…

Nier Review Roundup

Here’s what reviewers are saying about our work on Square-Enix’s Nier: “Nier’s story is, to put it bluntly, one of the best videogame narratives I’ve had the pleasure to experience. The cast of bizarre, wonderfully depicted, surprisingly deep and poignant characters, not to mention the interspersed moments of genuine humor contrasted with shockingly sad and…

Monster Hunter Tri Review Roundup

Here’s what reviewers are saying about our work on Capcom’s Monster Hunter Tri: “The single player game offers an enjoyable experience, with a simple but well written story (seriously, the writing in this game is excellent) moving things along.” —N-Sider “To the translators’ credit, the minimal dialogue required to disseminate the metric tons of tutorial…

Glory of Heracles Review Roundup

Here’s what some very smart, and probably quite attractive, people are saying about our work on Nintendo’s Glory of Heracles: “Glory of Heracles peppers its dialogue with great attitude and humor, plus a few requisite in-jokes for long time Nintendo fans.” —Kotaku “…its comedic style is refreshing and keeps the action upbeat..” —Cnet “This to…

Tales of Vesperia Review Roundup

A couple choice quotes, chosen COMPLETELY AT RANDOM, about our work on Namco Bandai’s Tales of Vesperia: “It’s a testament to the quality of both the scriptwriters and the localisation team that the wheels of narrative are kept pleasantly turning, with an above-average voice cast breathing life into bajillions of cut-scenes and skit overlays. It’s…